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einsame Vierbeiner

Grüße aus Rafina - für ein gutes Jahr 2019

2018 rafina

16.01.2019: Die Weihnachtsgrüße, die aus Griechenland an uns geschickt wurden, hatten es dieses Mal schwer. Auch Poppys Mail findet hier verspätet den Weg auf die Homepage. Die Mail aus Rafina kam zwar pünktlich bei uns an, schlummerte aber in den Tiefen des Mailpostfachs. Doch die Aussage der Mail ist passend für das ganze Jahr und die Grüße kommen aus tiefstem Herzen:  

"Almost five months have passed since the day of the huge tragedy of the fires on 23.07.2018.

That day 99 humans, hundreds of dogs, cats, domestic animals which were trapped helpless in yards or tied at trees, thousands of creatures which lived in the mountain and the forest, foxes, badgets, rabbits, squirrels, birds and a lot of other kinds of animals for which we’ll never know the exact number, died in a horrible way. The ecological disaster was enormous.
When the first rains of autumn started we watched nature sending us its message. Cyclamens blossomed in the burnt areas in Mati, the grey area had colours on it.

2018 rafina

Nature itself using its wisdom sent a message of hope, a song of life.

Christmas is the time of renewed hope, hope that despite our tangled bungling, God will bring order out of chaos. We saw live pictures of the christmas message in the burnt areas in Mati.
Rafina dogs and the people around them send you for this year this photo with their wishes:
Frohe Weihnachten und ein frohes neues Jahr für Sie und Ihre Familien
Warm regards



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